The basic services from NYBBLE S.A. pertain to
- Technical support of computer systems
- Construction and support of websites
- Sale and installation of network servers locally or in the cloud
- Sale and installation of network equipment
- Sale and installation of workstations
- Consulting services in the IT Sector
and are addressed to all kinds of companies and businesses for both the Greek and the International Market.
Quality service for NYBBLE S.A. the one that has the result we have promised the customer and has been achieved by the date we have promised. The service provided by Nybble must be given to the customer:
- After we have first fully understood the services/equipment he is asking us for or the problem he is facing and we have to solve,
- With speed in solving his problems, either by achieving their immediate and complete restoration or, if this is not possible, by initially achieving their functional restoration until their complete restoration takes place,
- Proposing him feasible solutions but explaining to him in simple words the complex IT concepts of today’s era, so that we gain his trust and increase the credibility of our company.
- With respect and courtesy to him and his staff,
- With absolute security, regarding the access it provides us to its data
The ever-increasing demands of its customers for quality and competitive services, with real value, determine the policy of NYBBLE S.A., which is expressed through 3 main axes:
- Modern Information Equipment as well as the required equipment for the purpose of the immediate and easier delivery of orders and, in general, the easier movement of personnel to the customer’s premises to provide technical support.
- Qualified Staff and continuous Training of its staff, through seminars and through continuous information for compliance with the new provisions and rules on personal data protection.
· Quality Management System which, alongside quality, ensures:
- More efficient organization,
- Better business climate,
- Cost reduction
The Company NYBBLE S.A. supports the participation of all company employees as well as interested parties in the Quality Management System. The Company recognizes, promotes and rewards its members who contribute to the fulfillment of the high quality goals it sets.